Sunday, May 1, 2022


 Antiwar in America is often not a very popular opinion. Historically people were called turn coats for not wanting to fight in the revolution, hanged for deserting the civil war, arrested for burning Vietnam draft cards, called un American for not supporting wars in the Middle East, and are called Nazis for not supporting Ukraine to name a few. Whistleblowers like Snowden who call their government out especially during wartime can even find themselves in prison.

    Some of the headlines on are about the billions of dollars the US president is spending on a war we “are not a part of.” These make your stomach turn when you realize where our tax dollars are going. We give money to the government so they can create violence on the other side of the world. 

   The most disturbing part is that the violent headlines are split up into sub categories by country. Violence occurs all around the world because people start it for no reason. Democracy can always be an option but selfish and evil people want to hurt others to gain from the spoils of war. 

    The reason I believe anti war voices are not heard in the news is because these opinions do not work well like war does. Everyone wants to hear about conflict and problems instead of democracy. Look at the American propaganda in WW2. So much money was made in the American war machine and Uncle Sam pointing his finger at you had something to do with that. 

    Anti-war is not an uncommon opinion to have but it is a quiet one. We have learned from the past that there are consequences from speaking out and we would rather be sheep in a herd than be the nail that sticks out. The freeze effect keeps us silent and we have too much faith that our government will make the right decisions. Being anti-war is not always unamerican, and in fact it can be one of the most noble stances if it saves lives.

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